Alerts & Notifications
Classic Alerts and Mobile Styled.
Notifications can be used as alerts or off-canvas, mobile designed. You can add any color you wish to them.
Mobile Styled
Designed to fall down from the top of the screen, these support multiple colors icons and links.
Alert Small
Small alerts great for confirmations and more, can be used for a variety of purposes.
Alert Large
Large alerts great for confirmations and more, can be used for a variety of purposes.
Something might go wrong.Success
Everything's okay here.Maintenance
We're working on this.Error
We have a problem here.Alert Shadow Effect
New effects in Sticky 5.1.1 to give your page an even more modern feel.
We're working on it right now!.Trigger by Tap or Programmatically
We built notifications based on Bootstrap toast system, so you can trigger them via a tap or Programmatically by simply using the Bootstrap classic code.